
Lust List: Elizabeth Lecourt's Les robes géographiques

So I realize these have been floating around the internetz for god knows how long, but I recently stumbled upon them again over at StyleBubble and couldn't resist re-blogging a few of my favorites from the collection to share with you here.

Elizabeth Lecourt lives and works in London, and her works span much more than beautifully architectural sun-dresses crafted from vintage maps. Though these are the only objects she's produced that I would wear. Like, every day. Maybe even to bed. Though I'm not sure how these would stand up  to my sleep gymnastics.

Alas, these works of art are unwearable, so there shall be no frolicking through fields in these lovely numbers for me. But someday, perhaps, if I play my cards right; I can hang one of these beauties on my wall. Ah, fantasies...

this last one is by far my favorite, the colors are amazing.
so much cartographic goodness.
